My tongue shall spread the Saviour’s fame
Whose grace I daily prove;
For since my soul has known His Name
His banner has been-Love.
Whose grace I daily prove;
For since my soul has known His Name
His banner has been-Love.
When walking in the paths of sin.
I far from Him would rove,
By sweet constraint He drew me in,
And waved His banner-Love.
He spread the banquet, made me eat,
Bade all my fears remove;
Yea, o’er my guilty, rebel head
He placed His banner-Love.
When, weary of His rich repast
I’ve sought, alas! to rove,
He has recalled His faithless guest
And showed His banner-Love.
In every conflict I sustain
My enemies shall prove
Through Him the vict’ry I obtain,
Beneath His banner-Love.
And when He calls me home ere long
To feast with Him above,
Through all eternity my song
Shall be-His changeless Love.