O Christ, Thou heavenly Lamb!
Joy of the Father’s heart;
Now let Thy love my soul inflame,
Fresh power to me impart.
Joy of the Father’s heart;
Now let Thy love my soul inflame,
Fresh power to me impart.
Power to know the loss
Suffered, O Lord, by Thee;
Power to glory in the Cross
Thou didst endure for me.
Power to feel Thy love,
And all its depths to know;
Power to fix the heart above,
And die to all below.
Power to keep the eye
For ever fixed on Thee;
Power to lift the warning cry
To souls from wrath to flee.
Power lost souls to win
From Satan’s mighty hold;
Power the wanderers to bring
Back to the heavenly fold.
Power to watch and pray,
‘Lord Jesus, quickly come!’
Power to hail the happy day
Destined to bear me home.
Lord Jesus, then to me
Power divine impart,
To swell redemption’s song to Thee,
For worthy, Lord, Thou art.