O happy day! when first we felt
Our souls with deep contrition melt,
And saw our sins of crimson guilt
All cleansed by blood on Calvary spilt.
Our souls with deep contrition melt,
And saw our sins of crimson guilt
All cleansed by blood on Calvary spilt.
O happy day! when first Thy love
Began our grateful hearts to move;
And gazing on Thy wondrous Cross,
We saw all else as worthless dross.
O happy day! when we no more
Shall grieve Thee whom our souls adore,
When sorrows, conflicts, fears shall cease,
And all our trials end in peace.
O happy day! when we shall see
And fix our longing eyes on Thee,
On Thee, our Light, our Life, our Love,
Our All below, our Heaven above.
O happy day of cloudless light!
Eternal day without a night;
Lord, when shall we its dawning see,
And spend it all in praising Thee?