The sorrows of the daily life,
The shadows o’er my path which fall,
Too oft obscure the glory’s light
Until I rise above them all.
The shadows o’er my path which fall,
Too oft obscure the glory’s light
Until I rise above them all.
Until upon the mountain height
I stand, my God, with Thee alone,
Bathed in the fullest, clearest light,
The glory that surrounds the throne.
Calm in Thy secret presence, Lord,
I rest this weary soul of mine;
Feed on the fullness of Thy word,
And die to all the things of time.
Alone with Thee, O Master, where
The light of earthly glory dies,
Misunderstood by all, I dare
To do what Thine own heart will prize.
Such be my path through life down here,
One long, close, lonely walk with Thee,
Until past every doubt and fear,
Thy face in light above I see.