We come in childhood’s joyfulness,
We come as children free!
We offer up, O God! our hearts,
In trusting love to Thee.
Well may we bend in solemn joy
At Thy bright courts above:
Well may the grateful child rejoice
In such a Father’s love.
We come as children free!
We offer up, O God! our hearts,
In trusting love to Thee.
Well may we bend in solemn joy
At Thy bright courts above:
Well may the grateful child rejoice
In such a Father’s love.
We come not as the mighty come:
Not as the proud we bow;
But as the pure in heart should bend,
Seek we thine altars now.
“Forbid them not,” the Savior cried,
“But let them come to Me”;
O Savior dear, we hear Thy call,
We come, we come to Thee.
To Thee, Thou Lord of life and light,
Amid the angel throng,
We bend the knee, we lift the heart,
And swell the holy song.
How blest the children of the Lord,
Who wait around His throne,
How sweet to tread the path that leads
To yonder heavenly home.