We praise Thy great love,
Our Father and God;
Rejoicing in Jesus,
Whom Thou hast bestowed.
Our Father and God;
Rejoicing in Jesus,
Whom Thou hast bestowed.
We praise Thee, O God,
For the joy Thou hast given
To Thy saints in communion,
These foretastes of heaven.
We praise Thee, O God,
For the Word of Thy love,
Which unfolds Thy rich grace
And Thy glory above.
Accepted in Christ,
Who has stood in our place,
We shall show in the glory
Thy riches of grace.
We work for Him now,
Till, God’s purpose complete,
The Bride and the Bridegroom
In glory shall meet.
Lord Jesus, we wait
For the day Thou shalt come;
We long for Thy presence,
Our heavenly home.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory!
Hallelujah! Amen!
Hallelujah! Thine the glory!
Come quickly again.