When first, o’erwhelmed with sin and shame,
To Jesus’ Cross I trembling came,
Burdened with guilt, and full of fear,
Yet drawn by love to venture near,
Pardon I found, and peace with God,
In Jesus’ rich, atoning blood.
To Jesus’ Cross I trembling came,
Burdened with guilt, and full of fear,
Yet drawn by love to venture near,
Pardon I found, and peace with God,
In Jesus’ rich, atoning blood.
My sin is gone, my fear is o’er,
I shun God’s presence now no more;
He sits upon the throne of grace,
He bids me boldly seek His face:
Sprinkled upon the throne of God
I see that rich, atoning blood.
Here I can rest without a fear;
By this, to God I now draw near;
By this, I triumph over sin,
For this has made and keeps me clean;
And when I reach the throne of God
I’ll praise that rich, atoning blood.