There’s gladness in the believing; In Jesus there is light.
“Come unto me,….. all ye ………… that labor,
(Come, O come, come unto me,)
(Come, O come, all ye that labor;)
and … are heavy laden, and I …… will give you rest ………
(Come, O come, heavy laden souls,)
( I .. will give you rest)
Take … my yoke upon you, and learn ….of me ……
(Come, O, come, come, take my yoke,)
(Come, O come, come learn of me;)
for I . Am meek and lowly in heart;
And ye shall find rest unto your souls.
(I am meek and lowly in heart;)
Earth’s fleeting gain and pleasure, Can never satisfy;
‘Tis love our joy doth measure, For love can never die.
Divinest consolation, Doth Christ the Healer give;
Art thou in condemnation? Repent, believe, and live.
His peace is like a river, His love is like a song;
His yoke’s a burden never; ‘Tis easy all the way.