Faint not, Christian! though the road
Leading to Thy blest abode
Darksome be, and dang’rous too,
Christ, thy Guide, will bring thee through.
Leading to Thy blest abode
Darksome be, and dang’rous too,
Christ, thy Guide, will bring thee through.
Faint not, Christian! though in rage
Satan doth thy soul engage;
Take thee faith’s anointed shield,
Bear it to the battle-field.
Faint not, Christian! though the world
Hath its hostile flag unfurled;
Hold the Cross of Jesus fast,
Thou shalt overcome at last.
Faint not, Christian! though within
There’s a heart so prone to sin;
Christ, thy Lord, is over all,
He’ll not suffer thee to fall.
Faint not, Christian! though thy God
Smite thee with the chast’ning rod;
Smite He must with Father’s care,
That He may His love declare.
Faint not, Christian! Christ is near;
Soon in glory He’ll appear;
Then shall end thy toil and strife,
Death be swallowed up of life.