For the pledge that seals Him mine,
For the words of love divine,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
Only bread and only wine,
Yet to faith the solemn sign
Of the heavenly and divine!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
For the words that turn our eye
To the Cross of Calvary,
Bidding us in faith draw nigh,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
For the words that fragrance breathe,
These plain symbols underneath,
Words that His own peace bequeath,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
For the words that tell of home,
Pointing us beyond the tomb,
Do ye this, until I come!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
Till He come we take the bread,
Type of Him on whom we feed,
Him who liveth and was dead!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
Till He come we take the cup;
As we at His table sup
Eye and heart are lifted up!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.
For that coming here foreshown,
For that day to man unknown,
For the glory and the throne,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.