Wake, brethren, wake!
Jesus, our Lord, is nigh;
Wake, brethren, wake!
Sleep is for sons of night;
Ye are children of the light,
Yours is the glory bright;
Wake, brethren, wake!
Call to each waking band,
Watch, brethren, watch!
Clear is our Lord’s command;
Watch, brethren, watch!
Be ye as men that wait
Always at their Master’s gate
E’en though the hour seem late;
Watch, brethren, watch!
Heed we the Steward’s call,
Work, brethren, work!
There’s room enough for all
Work, brethren, work!
This vineyard of the Lord
Constant labour doth afford;
Yours is a sure reward;
Work, brethren, work!
Hear we the Shepherd’s voice,
Pray, brethren, pray!
Would ye His heart rejoice?
Pray, brethren, pray.
Sin calls for constant fear,
Weakness needs the strong One near,
Long as ye struggle here;
Pray, brethren, pray!
Now sound the final chord,
Praise, brethren, praise!
Thrice holy is our Lord;
Praise, brethren, praise!
What more befits the tongues
Soon to lead the eternal songs,
While heaven the note prolongs?
Praise, brethren, praise!