Have ye counted the cost,
Have ye counted the cost,
Ye warriors of the Cross?
Are ye fixed in heart for your Master’s sake
To suffer all earthly loss?
Can ye bear the scoff of the worldly-wise,
As ye pass by pleasure’s bower,
To watch with your Lord on the mountain-top
Through the dreary midnight hour?

Ye may drink of His cup,
Ye may drink of His cup,
And in His baptism share!
Ye shall not fail, if ye tread in His steps
His blood-stained Cross to bear.
But count ye the cost; O count ye the cost!
That ye be not unprepared!
And know ye the strength that alone can stand
In the conflict ye have dared.

In the power of His might,
In the power of His might,
Who was made through weakness strong,
Ye shall overcome in the fearful fight
And sing His vict’ry song!
By the blood of the Lamb, by the blood of the Lamb,
By the faithful witness Word,
Not loving your lives unto death for Him,
Ye shall triumph with your Lord.

O the banner of love!
O the banner of love!
It will cost you a pang to hold!
But ’twill float in triumph the field above
Though your heart’s blood stain its fold.
Ye may count the cost, ye may count the cost
Of all Egyptia’s treasure!
But the riches of Christ ye cannot count;
His love ye cannot measure.



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