From sin and sorrow free;
A mansion which eternal love
Designed and formed for me.
My Father’s gracious hand
Has built this blest abode;
From everlasting it was planned
My dwelling-place with God.
My Saviour’s precious blood
Has made my title sure:
He passed through death’s dark raging flood
To make my rest secure.
The Comforter is come,
The earnest has been given;
He leads me onward to the home
Reserved for me in heaven.
Loved ones are gone before
Whose pilgrim days are done;
I soon shall greet them on that shore
Where partings are unknown.
But more than all, I long
His glories to behold,
Whose smile fills all the radiant throng
With ecstasy untold.
That bright, yet tender smile,
My sweetest welcome there,
Shall cheer me through the little while
I tarry for Him here.
Thy love, most gracious Lord,
My joy and strength shall be,
Till Thou shalt speak the gladd’ning word
That bids me rise to Thee.
And then, through endless days
Where all Thy glories shine,
In happier, holier strains I’ll praise
The grace that made me Thine.