I’ve found the precious Christ of God,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ I have,
A precious Christ have I.
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ I have,
A precious Christ have I.
Christ Jesus is the Lord of lords,
He is the King of kings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness
With healing in His wings.
Christ is my meat, Christ is my drink,
My med’cine and my health;
My peace, my strength, my joy, my crown,
My glory and my wealth.
Christ is my Shepherd and my Friend,
My Saviour whom I love,
My Head, my Hope, my Counsellor,
My Advocate above.
Christ Jesus is the heaven of heaven;
My Christ what shall I call?
Christ is the First, Christ is the Last,
And Christ is all in all.