Lord Jesus, in Thy Name alone
We soon shall meet around the throne;
With this sole claim, on this sole ground,
Thy table here we now surround;
What can we mention to our God
Except Thine own most precious blood?
We soon shall meet around the throne;
With this sole claim, on this sole ground,
Thy table here we now surround;
What can we mention to our God
Except Thine own most precious blood?
O Jesus, Lord! there is, indeed
Enough in Thee to meet our need,
Enough in Thee to make us glad!
Why should Thy ransomed ones be sad?
This hope have we before our God,
Salvation through Thy precious blood.
What joy it is to walk with Thee!
But O what joy Thy face to see!
And when our bliss is all complete,
We still shall worship at Thy feet,
And mention nothing to our God
But that same ever precious blood.