O Christ, Thou Son of God!
Thou glorious Lord of all,
Thou living One who once wast slain
Before Thy face we fall:
To Thee, O Lord, we look,
To Thee ourselves we yield;
Be Thou throughout our earthly course
Our refuge and our shield.
Thou glorious Lord of all,
Thou living One who once wast slain
Before Thy face we fall:
To Thee, O Lord, we look,
To Thee ourselves we yield;
Be Thou throughout our earthly course
Our refuge and our shield.
Though all around may change
No change Thou e’er shalt know;
The same art Thou upon the throne
As Thou was here below;
The same to-day Thou art
As yesterday Thou wast,
The same e’en to eternal days
As in the wondrous past.
Lord Jesus, Take our hearts,
From self-love set them free;
Help us, however dark our path,
To stay our souls on Thee:
Though evil waxes worse,
And many hearts grow cold,
Help us to cleave unto Thy name,
Thy faithful word to hold.
Help us to look beyond
The dark and gloomy night,
To wait for that blest hour when Thou
Wilt come in glory bright:
When we Thy voice shall hear,
Thy glorious face shall see,
And, like Thee, in Thy presence stand,
And ever worship Thee.