O joy of the justified, joy of the free!
I’m washed in that crimson tide opened for me;
In Christ, my Redeemer, rejoicing I stand,
And point to the print of the nail in His hand.
I’m washed in that crimson tide opened for me;
In Christ, my Redeemer, rejoicing I stand,
And point to the print of the nail in His hand.
Lord Jesus, the crucified, now Thou art mine;
Though once a lost sinner, yet now I am Thine;
In conscious salvation I sing of His grace
Who lifts now upon me the smile of His face.
Lord Jesus, my Saviour, I’ll still sing of Thee,
Yes, sing of Thy precious blood poured out for me;
And when in the mansions of glory above,
I’ll praise and adore Thine unchangeable love.
O sing of His mighty love,
Sing of His mighty love,
Sing of His mighty love,
Mighty to save.