O They’ve reached the sunny shore,
They will never suffer more,
All their pain and grief are o’er,
Over there.
They will never suffer more,
All their pain and grief are o’er,
Over there.
O the street is shining gold,
And the glory is untold;
‘Tis our Shepherd’s peaceful fold
Over there.
O they’ve done the weary fight,
Jesus saved them by His might,
And they walk with Him in white
Over there.
O they never shed a tear
For the Lord Himself is near,
And to Him they’re ever dear
Over there.
O they feel no chilling blast
For their winter time is past,
And the summers always last
Over there.
O they need no lamp at night
For the day is always bright,
And the Saviour is their light
Over there.
O we’ll form a happy band
When we hear our Lord’s command,
And in glory round Him stand
Over there.