The visions of glory upon us shall burst!
Since now our soul longeth and seeketh for Thee;
O when, blessed Saviour, Thy face shall we see?
That face, once so marred, we shall gaze on at length,
And fearless behold, as the sun in his strength;
Those eyes, flames of fire, that so searching we prove,
Shall beam on us then inexpressible love.
Thy voice, like great waters, how calmly our soul
Shall hear in the glory its deep waters roll;
Though now it rebukes us and humbles our pride,
It shall speak only love to Thy glorified Bride.
O Thou who this world as a lone pilgrim trod,
Thy Father our Father, Thy God is our God;
To Thee we behold the bright seraphim bow;
Lord Jesus, what glory doth rest on Thee now!
Thy Spirit has shown God’s deep purpose to be
To empty, then fill us with glory like Thee;
And now Thou dost wait-Thy full joy to impart,
For that day of espousals-the joy of Thy heart.
Now moment by moment, to answer our needs,
Thy blood, holy Saviour, in righteousness pleads;
And sheltered by that, how serene and how calm
Our souls on Thy bosom are shielded from harm.
We see Thee, Lord Jesus, with glory now crowned,
And waiting Thy coming, in peace would be found;
The visions of glory have turned all to dross;
For Thee give us grace to count all things but loss.