O wondrous hour, when Jesus, Thou,
Co-equal with the eternal God,
Beneath our sin didst deign to bow,
And in our stead didst bear the rod.
Co-equal with the eternal God,
Beneath our sin didst deign to bow,
And in our stead didst bear the rod.
When most in Satan’s awful power,
O Lord, Thy suffering spirit seemed,
Then, in that dark and fearful hour,
Our souls were by Thy blood redeemed.
‘Tis in Thy cross, Lord, that we learn
What Thou in all Thy fullness art;
There, through the darkening cloud, discern
The love of Thy devoted heart.
‘Twas mighty love’s constraining power
That made Thee, blessed Saviour, die;
‘Twas love, in that tremendous hour,
That triumphed in Thy mighty cry.
‘Twas all for us-our life we owe,
Our hope, our crown of joy, to Thee;
Thy sufferings in that hour of woe,
Thy victory, Lord, have made us free.