Our great Redeemer liveth! This assurance
Calms anxious fears and satisfies the heart;
Yes, Jesus lives! at God’s right hand He reigneth,
And in His great salvation we have part.
Calms anxious fears and satisfies the heart;
Yes, Jesus lives! at God’s right hand He reigneth,
And in His great salvation we have part.
A living Christ, so strong, so pure, so tender,
Bears every ransomed soul before the throne;
Complete in Him we stand, saved by His merit-
It was His blood which did for sin atone.
And now we live in Him, our great Redeemer,
Who, living, intercedes for us above,
Yet by His Spirit dwells with us, and keeps us
Enfolded in His mighty arms of love.
Redeemer, Lord! with gratitude unfeigned,
We bless Thy holy name that Thou has taught
Our hearts to know Thee, loving, caring, pleading:
Now grant us grace to love Thee as we ought.