Rejoice! rejoice! ye saints, rejoice!
Rejoice with one accord;
Rejoice with all your heart and voice,
In Christ the exalted Lord.
Rejoice with one accord;
Rejoice with all your heart and voice,
In Christ the exalted Lord.
Rejoice! rejoice! lift up your head
And praise the living God,
That for your souls the Saviour shed
His own most precious blood.
Rejoice! rejoice! in His sweet Name
With all the saints above;
Our Jesus still abides the same,
And changeless is His love.
Rejoice! rejoice! let praise abound
Before Jehovah’s throne,
For dead ones raised, and lost ones found,
And prodigals brought home.
Rejoice! rejoice! ye happy band
Of pilgrims bound for heaven;
For mercies countless as the sand
Have to your souls been given.
Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord shall come
According to His word,
And gather all His ransomed home,
‘For ever with the Lord.’