Rejoice, ye saints, the time draws near
When Christ will in the clouds appear
And for His people call
When Christ will in the clouds appear
And for His people call
The trumpet sounds! through earth and sky
Resounds the solemn midnight cry,
‘Behold! The Bridegroom comes.’
The Lord will come to claim His own,
And on each faithful one a crown
Of life He will bestow.
And then with rapture infinite
We’ll cast our crowns down at His feet,
And crown Him King of kings,
Trim your lamps and be ready,
Trim you lamps and be ready,
Trim your lamps and be ready
–(Tune ‘Trim your Lamps’ Chorus cont.)–
For the midnight cry.
For the midnight cry,
For the midnight cry,
Trim your lamps and be ready,
For the midnight cry.