The Cross! the Cross! the blood-stained Cross!
The Cross of Christ I see,
It tells me of that precious blood
That once was shed for me.
The Cross of Christ I see,
It tells me of that precious blood
That once was shed for me.
The wrath! the wrath! the awful wrath
That Jesus felt for me!
When bearing my sin’s heavy load
He died on Calvary.
But Jesus lives! the Saviour lives!
In heaven He pleads for me;
And boldly I approach to God,
His blood my only plea.
The crown! the crown! the glorious crown!
The crown of victory!
The crown of life! it shall be mine
When I the Saviour see.
He comes! He comes! the Saviour comes!
Who bled and died for me;
Then will I sing, with rapture sing,
When gazing, Lord, on Thee.