The Lamb of God to slaughter led,
The King of Glory see!
The crown of thorns upon His head,
They nail Him to the tree!
The King of Glory see!
The crown of thorns upon His head,
They nail Him to the tree!
The Father gives His only Son;
The Lord of Glory dies
For us, the guilty and undone,
A spotless Sacrifice.
Thy Name is holy, O our God!
Before Thy throne we bow;
Thy bosom is Thy saints’ abode,
We call Thee Father now.
Enthroned with Thee now sits the Lord,
And in Thy bosom dwells;
Justice, that smote Him with the sword,
Our perfect pardon seals.
Eternal death was once our doom;
Now death has lost its sting;
We rose with Jesus from the tomb
Jehovah’s love to sing.