The night is wearing fast away,
The glorious day is dawning,
When Christ shall all His grace display
The fair millennial morning.
Gloomy and dark the night hath been,
And long the way, and dreary;
And sad the weeping saints are seen,
And faint, and worn, and weary.
The glorious day is dawning,
When Christ shall all His grace display
The fair millennial morning.
Gloomy and dark the night hath been,
And long the way, and dreary;
And sad the weeping saints are seen,
And faint, and worn, and weary.
Ye mourning pilgrims, dry your tears,
And hush each sigh of sorrow;
The light of that bright morn appears,
The long Sabbatic morrow.
Lift up your heads! Behold from far
A flood of splendour streaming!
It is the bright and Morning Star
In living lustre beaming.
And see that star-like host around
Of angel bands attending;
Hark! hark! the trumpet’s gladdening sound,
‘Mid shouts triumphant blending.
He comes! The Bridegroom promised long;
Go forth with joy to meet Him,
And raise the new and nuptial song,
In cheering strains to greet Him.