Thou who did’st come to die
From the bright realms on high,
Thou art our peace:
Peace Thou dost now impart
To each believing heart,
Peace that shall ne’er depart;
Thou art our peace.
From the bright realms on high,
Thou art our peace:
Peace Thou dost now impart
To each believing heart,
Peace that shall ne’er depart;
Thou art our peace.
Thou who did’st rise again,
Thy tomb was sealed in vain,
Thou art our life:
All power to Thee is given,
Exalted Lord in heaven,
And we with Thee are risen,
Thou art our life.
Thou who wilt surely come
To take Thy loved ones home,
Thou art our hope:
What joys and bliss untold
Will to our gaze unfold
When we Thy face behold!
Thou art our hope.
Peace, life and hope, O Lord,
Thou giv’st us in Thy word,
Blest be Thy name:
We would our praise outpour,
Would worship and adore
Now and for evermore;
Blest be Thy name.