We love to sing with one accord
The riches of Thy grace;
We love to come before Thee, Lord,
On earth no happier place.
The riches of Thy grace;
We love to come before Thee, Lord,
On earth no happier place.
We love to lean upon Thy breast
In the repose of faith,
And find our soul’s enduring rest
In what Thy Spirit saith.
He witnessed to the constant guilt
That marked the path we trod;
He witnessed that Thy blood was spilt
To bring us nigh to God.
He made us look to Thee alone,
And showed us our release;
He brings the message from the throne,
Of mercy, grace, and peace.
In songs of praise we would record
Thy mercy while we live,
And standing in Thy presence, Lord,
Far sweeter praises give.